How to plan a trade show and not lose your mind
Showtime. The doors are about to open and the exhibition floor is about to be swarmed by hundreds of eager visitors. They’re ready, but have you done enough to make the most of the event?...
Audio/visual content for your exhibition stand
One of the first requests from Nimlok clients who want an exhibition presence is: “We’ll need a Plasma- a big Plasma “. Why? Well of course everyone knows there is a multimedia revolution going on and many think they need a...
Key characteristics of a good KPI?
Every business uses Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to determine success and measure their achievement. However, not every company understands what constitutes a good KPI or how to go about setting one.
What makes a good exhibition stand?
When it comes to exhibiting, are you spending your budget wisely? Do you know what will drive your ROI and what fritters away your budget without making any difference?...