Rexroth Bosch
Rexroth Smart Factory 2018 Factsheet Size Small Exhibiting Frequency 1-3 Shows annually Location UK Show Objectives Brand Awareness Brand Education Engagement Used Phygital 1 Unique Visitors Stand Interaction Engagement 1 AVG. Dwell time minutes The Brief Bosch Rexroth is an engineering firm based in Lohr am Main in Germany. As a global partner, Bosch Rexroth supports mechanical and plant engineering challenges around the world with its cutting-edge technology and unique industry knowledge. In terms of events, Bosch Rexroth came to Nimlok with the challenge to showcase their capabilities and innovations in the smart factory industry. They also sought to convey a strong new brand evolution with a stand that could be re-deployed over multiple events. Our Response Bosch Rexroth’s innovations touch many parts of a smart factory environment, so Nimlok’s engagement team developed a driving game challenge using customised remote forklift trucks to drive visitor interaction.The trucks were driven around a smart factory maze and passed over RFID hotspots during play. This triggered content designed to highlight the breadth of Bosch Rexroth’s product applications. Player results were timed, giving a competitive edge whilst the prominent game placement and live…