Audio/visual content for your exhibition stand
One of the first requests from Nimlok clients who want an exhibition presence is: “We’ll need a Plasma- a big Plasma “. Why? Well of course everyone knows there is a multimedia revolution going on and many think they need a...
Key characteristics of a good KPI?
Every business uses Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to determine success and measure their achievement. However, not every company understands what constitutes a good KPI or how to go about setting one.
What makes a good exhibition stand?
When it comes to exhibiting, are you spending your budget wisely? Do you know what will drive your ROI and what fritters away your budget without making any difference?...
How Exhibition Stands Have Changed Over Time
Within the space of mere 50 years exhibition stands have gone from being largely dull, cluttered shop-front imitations to multi-sensory blow-your-mind experiences. Read on to see this evolution...
Create engaging themed giveaways for your exhibitions
ree stuff at exhibitions – pens, stress balls and bowls of sweets; we’ve all seen them in the show hall. You take the free pen, the stress ball and the sweets, politely say thank you, and move onto the next stand without really paying attention to which business...
6 ways to wreck your next exhibiting campaign and destroy ROI
Your event looms and you’re all set with a knock-out exhibition stand and campaign message. Everything else looks after itself right? Wrong. Read on to discover six mistakes that will wreck your exhibiting campaign and destroy ROI...
Inspiring, integrated design: how these brands met their exhibiting objectives
In a busy exhibition environment, it can be difficult to persuade a visitor to stop and talk to you or, more importantly, remember you. Using fun, engaging content such as games or competitions...
How to brief your exhibition stand team
Preparing for an exhibition is stressful, there’s so much to do around planning and implementation as well as making sure you’re on budget. However, don’t overlook your most vital asset, your team...
Finish first with a visit to the Materials Hub!
When reviewing stand proposals, you will most likely receive digital mock-ups to help you understand the aesthetics and ergonomics of your stand. However, selecting your design based on digital visuals can be nerve-wracking – with good reason – as reality can be somewhat different.
You’re hired! Bring your brand to life with all the benefits of hire
A great way of maximising your return on investment while maintaining the quality of your exhibition stand is to hire some or all of its elements. The upfront investment is smaller and you don’t have to pay to store the stand in between events...